"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me." Jesus, Matthew 25:40 MSG

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Divine Outreach Appointments

Sometimes we get caught up inadvertently judging those who come to us for help. We create a box we believe people should fit in before we can reach out to them. This often requires a lot of assumptions on our part. Doing this can add stress to our outreach experience and put undue pressure on ourselves to “mentally qualify” recipients. This assumed responsibility is a load none of us should carry. That’s not to say ministries shouldn’t have guidelines and boundaries. But I personally believe there’s an ultimate God-reason why people come to our outreach and their appointment is not a mistake or unknown by God. I also believe we should pray and trust God to perform His miracle in people’s lives and go about performing our volunteerism with Christ-like compassion. The bottom line is regardless whether a person comes to us under false pretensions or not; the fact is, they came to us. We now have a God-given opportunity. It’s still a divine-encounter moment and we have a choice. Do we assume things we don’t know or judge based on appearance, the type of car they drive, etc.; or do we love, pray, befriend, and trust God to perform the inward miracle in this person’s life. Maybe what they’re looking for is entirely different than what God ultimately wants to give them. Let’s us be the kind, gentle messenger; His ambassador to announce Good News into their life. Maybe this encounter can turn out to be their miracle, ultimately turning their life around, impacted by a Spirit-filled volunteer. “God use us to impact those who come to us. Help us to share You. May we learn to truly love the person like you would and earnestly pray our new friends will experience the eternal destiny of Heaven.”

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