"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me." Jesus, Matthew 25:40 MSG

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ministry Outreach

My heart swelled today with gratitude when I viewed the contribution of the volunteers at the oil change outreach. When thrust into new assignments or a different room location, team members responded with the same exemplary service we’ve grown accustomed too. There’s no doubt our volunteer team has learned to roll-with-the-punches of weather changes (good ‘ole Ozarks), fluctuation in volunteer levels, and client demand. I’m proud of our volunteers!

Today I saw our lady volunteers engaged in genuine conversation with the single moms…I saw our men in the registration area completing the paperwork with excellence…I saw our greeters being gentle and courteous towards the single moms…I saw our lady volunteers in the cafĂ© area serving single moms with smiles and encouragement…and I saw our men in the oil change area working with diligence to complete the vehicle inspections and oil change. Wow, what a team!

And to top off this spectacular morning, Central’s MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group shared their resources in ministry with the single moms. They brought boxes of good used-clothing, toys, and a large cake to share with the single moms. In addition, each single mom received a potting plant to take home. It turned out great and the single moms were very appreciative! Thank you MOPS!

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