What’s a hand-up verses a hand-out? Recently our team experienced this first-hand. Compassion ministry loves people at the point where they exist in life and seeks to build trust and a testimony of Jesus with them. I’m thrilled to be part of a non-traditional evangelism outreach ministry. Thankfully, ladies on the outreach team are in contact with single moms throughout the month forming amazing redemptive relationships with these single mom families.
Recently a single mom from a violence shelter called our ladies’ team leader. She had never attended an oil change outreach event. She holds down a job, attends college, and raises two boys. During their conversation she rejoiced she was able to move into a place of her own after living one year in a domestic violence shelter. But, she mentioned she did not have a table and chairs and wanted to have a Thanksgiving meal with her boys.
The following evening our ladies’ team leader received a call from a lady in our Sunday School class and asked if she knew of anyone needing a table, chairs, and buffet. They miraculously received a new set and wanted to bless someone with her previous set. The provision for this single mom was met! God is Amazing with small details in the lives of these single moms.
Our church blessed this family as well with a Thanksgiving meal which she was able to enjoy with her two boys, sitting at her new table. When our ladies’ team leader and her husband delivered the food they experienced a blessed time of prayer with this precious family. This single mom has been very open and receptive to the Lord and our church family becoming a greater part of her family’s life.