"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me." Jesus, Matthew 25:40 MSG

Thursday, October 20, 2011

God Answers Prayer!

God is doing amazing things in the lives of single mom families through the oil change outreach! We give God all the glory. Your prayer and genuine caring creates a great opportunity for God to do His perfect work in their lives.

Real prayer is offered for these moms and they know it. They’re asking us to pray for them. We’re reassuring them we are praying. “Thank-you” volunteers for working at the outreach. Thank you for praying.

Recently a single mom asked us to pray that she could find a place to live. She came back excited this past Outreach Saturday to tell us God wonderfully answered prayer for her housing.

Another lady is finishing Community College as a paralegal. We were praying for a job to open up for her, but she also needed her teeth fixed before interviewing. You see, five years ago she was a meth addict and as a result her teeth were ruined. This need was prayed for. One of her professors shared her dental needs with a dentist in town and he offered her $8,000 dental work for just a few hundred dollars. She’s already paid him a majority of her bill. She recently rejoiced with our team in God’s provision!

Whatever you do to volunteer on this team, your contribution is making a huge impact on these single mom families. They’re helpless at times. They feel desperate for many situations in their life. Yet, faith is springing up in many of them. They’re asking about our church family. Some are worshipping with us. We’re praying for them. Awesome!

I can’t wait to see how God continues His miracles in these single mom families!